Always focus on the items with highest risk

Here is a visualisation of our 3rd episode Daniel Elizlade’s thoughts about roadmapping. As a B2B Innovation specialist he brings a unique perspective and dimension to the discussion. We also tweaked the visual to have a road in the background for this episode as we thought it fitted well when talking about roadmapping! We love the insights you can get just from these sketchnotes, but if you want to heard the nuance watch Episode 3 or watch the sketchnote build here.

A big shout out to Emily Mills of Flavour for the awesome work!

If you want a grab a copy download a PDF of it here.

Phil Hornby

Co-host of Talking Roadmaps

Passionate product professional. Helping entrepreneurial product teams to be successful. Coach. Trainer. Facilitator.

Is your roadmap a prototype or plan? | Janna Bastow


Is your roadmap fixed? | Daniel Elizalde